Dear Freditor, Who do you think you're fooling with this fake 'letter' column, anyway. Do you really believe someone would be foolish or just plain stupid enough to ever write to you. And even if they did, you'd probably immediately throw it away anyway if it didn't have a check in it. That's why I'm enclosing this check. Just try and cash it if you're so damn smart. Ha, I bet you're driving to the bank right now without even reading this crumpled piece of paper lining your trash basket. I wish I could see the look on your face when the bank manager asks you to step into her office. That perky little smirk on her face is just tantalizing enough to sucker a coarse dirty minded fat slob like you into following her, as you wipe some slobbering drool off your double chin, pull in your gut and await some fantasy dream of a life time come true as you watch her bell bottom peal back and forth in a well calculated rhythm. Brother, will you have a lot of explaining to do when the uniformed 'consultant' arrives to discuss your deposit. My, my, my, the FBI has been after you for a long time for spreading around and forging those bad checks. Well we know it really wasn't you all along but just try to explain all those other matters that the police will 'discover' in your house just to make sure they have some kind of a case for all of the time, work and money they've invested while investigating you. Have a nice day, Wooden Hugh Wannanau ********************************************************** NEXT ISSUE: FIRESIGN THEATRE SPRING TOUR REPORT, BOOM DOT BUST REVIEWED, STAN FREBERG INTERVIEWED ABOUT HIS NEW CD BOX SET ON RHINO, NEW FIREZINE CD RELEASES, NEWS, PHOTOS, ARTICLES, ADDS AND FILLER |